
Thursday, 16 April 2015

Say hello forumula for healing Finances


It has been too long since I have been here and I apologize.

I recently returned from an advance training course with Master Sha and approx. 80 other advanced students of Master Sha's and the experience was life changing.

Each time we are with Master Sha the experience enables us to go deeper and cleanse our selves further and further so that we might hold more light and be a beacon in the world for Love, peace and harmony.  I never want to miss another opportunity to be with this most wonderful Master and servant to all humanity and all souls!

One of the ahha moments I had during this retreat was in regards to how I think about money.  Money is called currency because it flows!  To hold onto to money is to block this flow.

How we are with money is how we are with love!  Are we generous or stingy?

Master Sha has many Divine downloads and orders for finances.  All of them work if we use them!

I have personally used his Soul Healing on Demand for Finances for 30 days and my life transformed!  I moved to another country and got a great job along with a company car and health care benefits that I did not have being self employed.  See my video for my testimony!

Here is the link to the Soul Healing on Demand series.

Importance of practice
To receive Divine Soul Mind Body Transplants does not mean one has recovered or healed. Practice is the number one principle. Practice. Practice. Practice. Every moment you are practicing, you are healing and rejuvenating.
·    To invoke or “turn on” and practice with your divine treasures is the divine way to do self-healing.
·    As you practice, you are literally in the presence of the Divine; your frequency and vibration will be uplifted.
·    You are honoring the new souls you have received; showing loyalty and devotion to the Divine.
·    Practice for ten minutes per time, three to five times throughout the day.
·    For chronic or life-threatening conditions, practice at least two hours per day. You can add all of your practice time together to total two or more hours per day.
·    The key is to practice daily—the longer and more often you practice, the better!

Here is how:

Four Power Techniques®
Body Power. Where you put your hands is where you receive benefits for healing and rejuvenation.
Soul Power. Apply Say Hello Healing™ and Blessing to invoke the inner souls of your body, systems, organs, cells, DNA, and RNA; and invoke the outer souls of the Divine, Tao, Heaven, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes, as well as all kinds of spiritual fathers and mothers on Mother Earth and in all layers of Heaven, to request their help for your healing, rejuvenation, and transformation of relationships and finances.
Mind Power. Where you put your mind, using creative visualization, is where you receive benefits for healing, rejuvenation, and transformation of relationships and finances.
Sound Power. What you chant is what you become.

Apply the Four Power Techniques to practice
Body Power. Sit up straight and place your palms one over the other on your lower abdomen. If you must lie down during your practice, chant silently so as not to dissipate your energy.
Soul Power. Dear my Divine Soul Mind Body Transplants, I love you, honor you and appreciate you. Please turn on and give me a healing blessing for FINANCES (or other requestt). Please offer me the healing blessing that is appropriate for my soul, heart mind and body. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Mind Power. Ask your mind to sit in your lower abdomen, visualize golden light throughout your entire body from head to toe, skin to bone.
Sound Power. Divine Soul Mind Body Transplants, heal and rejuvenate me. Thank you, Divine.
Repeat this mantra over and over for at least 10-15 minutes at a time.

We invite you to connect with Master Sha’s global community on Facebook and Twitter:
·, #SoulHealing, #Miracles

Monthly Teleclass: Understanding Divine Downloads
If you are new to Master Sha’s teachings, we encourage you to register for the Understanding Divine Downloads teleclass. This free teleclass is offered on the second Thursday of each month in four languages.
In this monthly teleclass you will have the opportunity to:
·    Learn what the term “Divine Downloads” means
·    Understand the benefits of receiving Divine Downloads
·    Receive an explanation of the current Divine Download offerings
·    Practice using Divine Downloads
Click here to learn about the date and time of this teleclass, and to register.

Love, peace and harmony,
Customer Service
Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment™