Having an interesting week! On the way to work Tuesday morning, I got a ticket for using an electronic devise while driving, $280 ticket here in Saskatoon! Ouch. While waiting for the officer to write me the ticket, I noticed how the traffic had slowed down because of his flashing lights. I had the thought that if I was saving someone's life while being pulled over, then I was happy to pay the $280.
Then on the way to work this morning, A transport truck ran a stop sign right in front of me and I had to severely swerve in order to avoid being hit. I drive a small KIA Soul and would of been squashed like a bug! I was pretty shook up and very grateful that I was unscathed! Thank you God!
My husband noted that if I hadn't gotten the ticket for using my cell phone the day before, I could of been texting and not as alert as I was! The ticket might of saved my life!
The moral of the story: There is a reason for everything, good or bad! Good and bad is just our perception of events....
Dear Lydia,
ReplyDeletefirst of all I am really glad that you are ok! Traffic really presents ghe most perfect kind of lessons, at least what I perceived. Your story shows an interesting aspect. Sometimes we might "loose" money. But maybe we have saved a lot! Ticket versus new car and even injury! Very good teaching, thank you for sharing with us!