
Monday, 17 November 2014

Hello to anyone reading this.  This is the beginning of my journey with Master Sha.

Retreat Experience:

This is from when I was first introduced to Master Sha's teaching...certainly not the beginning of my spiritual journey... That will be yet again another story...

So many of you know and have come to play and experience the All Game at my home over the past few years. (  Several new players came to play at the beginning of March, 2009.  One of the woman, CB. was at this particular game. I had met CB at my very first Native American Indian sweat (hmmm...there is that Native American Indian connection again) and hadn't seen her since until we connected at the Church were I had participated with their first business networking event in January of 2009 and was there to promote The All Game.

She gifted me with a copy of Power of the Soul before she left my house that day after playing the game.  It sat on my coffee table by the front door for a week or so before I picked it up and started to read it.  Someone came to my house, I don't remember who, and asked me what the book was about.  I told them that I didn't have a clue because someone had given to me and I hadn't read it yet.

 I was going through a difficult time, as many of you know, not knowing which direction to take with my life but certain that my old life was falling house was in foreclosure, I was struggling financially, etc.   I kept saying that I was determined to make lemonade out of this lemon that life seemed to be handing me...and I was willing to let go of everything, the house and everything in it and move to Hawaii!!  Everyone I talked to about moving to Hawaii was excited for me.  Several people stated that they got the chills when I said it.  Even strangers! I had decided that if I was going to loose my home after 10 years, where and what would I want to do?  I always wanted to live in Hawaii from the first time I visited there.  It just felt so much better as an option than moving into an apartment here in Michigan. And if I sold everything I owned, I might have enough to do it.  I had a phone sales job that I could do anywhere and part of my territory was Hawaii. (My boss at the time was on board, stating that he would love to have me actually live and work in part of his territory.  He was in a similar situation to me and decided to let his house go back to the bank and move to China. He moved to China the Monday before I left for the retreat on Thursday. If you have read my previous story parts, you know that I quit working for him when I got back)

I was also questioning my relationship...and willing to let it go also if that was what was meant to be.  My partner and I were really not getting a matter of truth...we were not even speaking to each other when I began to read the book...we seemed to be very close to coming apart.

As soon as I opened the book and read the forward about being a 'universal servant', I fell down on my knees and cried.  I believe I felt the presence of the Divine as I sobbed and was bowing down, not realizing that I was bowing down.  Then I realized that the book came with a free CD of Master Sha's healing music in the back...I put the CD on and started to cry again as I listened to the beautiful, healing music and heard Master Sha’s voice for the first time.  I was thinking to myself that I must be crazy or something to be having this reaction.

I wasn't even finished the book yet and I sent an email to the Dr Sha website telling them how moved I was, that I felt the presence of the Divine when I started to read the book and that I wanted to open one of the 400 Love Peace and Harmony retreat centers that Master Sha talked about in the book.

I devoured the book in a little less than 2 weeks...I would stay in the bedroom...reading and chanting and receiving the downloads, ignoring my partner. But I started to do the soul communication with him and to ask for blessings and healing of our relationship and finances.

I went to the website: and looked around.  I discovered many free services there and free downloads and I started to apply for many of them.  I listened to Master Sha on the video, instructing on how to do the chants that he gives in the book and receiving his remote healings for lungs, spleen, kidneys, heart, liver and back.  I listened to the testimonials that are recorded there.  I went often.  I think I chanted 6 to 8 hours a day with him for the first few days.  Then I discovered that there were live calls that I could join, again for free.   So I started to call in and join them and downloaded the instructions off the site.  I joined every call for several days, which were five sessions per day at that time.

I went back to the website and saw that there was an upcoming retreat in Toronto, Canada. I am originally from Canada and thought to myself, I must go and attend.  This is the closest that Master Sha will be to me this year so if I want to meet him, it has to be Toronto. The website said it was a two part retreat and the total was $700 for early registration.  I didn't have the money.  I could barely pay my bills. I was behind on several utility bills and not paying the mortgage at all.  I thought there is no way that I can go.  My partner and I were fighting about money.  He was supporting me and paying most of the bills.  I hadn't made a sale all year and was on commission only.  I was making a little money through my jewelry sales but not enough to pay much of anything.

I kept going back to the website, looking around, registering for blessings and downloads and looking at the retreat.  The retreat price was starting to go up, early bird registration was over.  I didn't know how I was going to get there but I knew I had to go.  Then one day, I noticed a 'scholarship' for the retreat and thought to myself, hey, that wasn't there before. I cried again and knew in my heart that it was meant for me and I was going to get to attend. I immediately called the 800 number listed and pushed buttons until I got a live voice. That voice was Roseanne.  I explained my situation and asked her how I could apply for the scholarship and what the qualifications were.  She answered that I would need to send an email with my situation and that the Divine would decide. The Divine? I think I asked what that meant and she explained that they, Master Sha's team, would pray over it and be guided.  She also told me that they had not offered scholarships before, this was the first time and that it had just been posted to the website that same day or the day before.  I told her it was meant for me.

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